Par Avion
Wow, another great episode, I thought.
Her flashback didn't feel superfluous to me, for some reason. Probably because the theory that Jack's father was also Claire's father was finally confirmed. I mean, we all suspected as much, but it's good to KNOW it. I also thought it added some much-needed depth to Claire. And man, she's pretty with black hair, isn't she?
Charlie Death-Watch
Poor Desmond. He must spend all of his time now skulking around, trying to prevent Charlie from the various death scenarios that keep cropping up. You know, I think this calls for a Desmond photo op.
In fact, from now on, if Desmond appears in an episode, no matter how peripheral to the main story his appearance may be, it will merit a photographic appearance here. Because I say so.
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised that Charlie and Desmond actually told Claire the truth about what was happening. Someone on the island actually conveyed important information to someone else on the island! And while I understand that Charlie can be very annoying, I'm hoping that this information will keep the bickering between Charlie and Claire to a minimum.
I don't know what he's up to, but dude has a plan, that's for sure. Oh my God, he's a Cylon! (they have a "plan"...get it?...nevermind) We discovered that he knew the Flame station was rigged with explosives, so I'm betting that he knew exactly what would happen if he entered "77". But why would he want to destroy the castaways' only chance of contact with the outside world? Good question. Hmm. I think they made it pretty clear in this episode that John pushed Mikhail into that sonic fence to kill him (gross!) because he knew of John's life before the island and how he was paralyzed. Is John acting in this way because he doesn't want to lose the identity he has gained after the crash, or is there something more that he is hiding? I'm not sure, but I can say that I'm glad to see that he is not just being "dumb".
Fake-Out at the End
Awesome! I really thought that Jack was running toward the jungle in an attempt to escape the Others' compound. To see him catch that football - from Tom, of all people - with a big, fat smile on his face was just trippy. For the first time in a long time, I'm interested in Jack's storyline.
This Wednesday's episode: we are supposed to finally find out how Locke was paralyzed. And maybe even what his plan is...
PS Sorry for the late post - I didn't watch it until late Thursday and I've been sick (again!) and lazy all weekend long.
1 comment:
Nice summary! I agree it was another good episode. I was not all that interested in Claire's flashback, but it was good to get confirmation on her father. Interesting she did not learn his name, so she won't know she is related to Jack. And I agree, seeing Jack playing football, wow!
I am very interested to see where things are going with Locke.
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