Enter 77
No John, don't!
So what did you all think? I really enjoyed it and it felt like a return to the old days. It wasn't perfect by any means - none of them are - but it was a strong episode. A few thoughts:
Ping Pong
When Sawyer ever said, "But I thought the hatch collapsed [not exploded]?", I let out an audible thank you. I've been bothered by that since the season 2 finale: If the hatch "imploded", then how the hell did all of its contents, including people, get scattered all over the island? Now that someone (Sawyer of all people) is also asking that question, I'm hopeful that I'll get an answer.
Sawyer's "who the hell are you" was a little too meta for my taste, but it still made me laugh.
And no more nicknames! Awesome! If Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon were his last ones, I'd say he went out on a good note.
So good to have him back, front and center, and actually acting like an Iraqi Republican Guard/Torturere/Interrogator. The backstory was solid, but did we really need it? It was just another retread of his guilt about being a torturer. I think it may be time to dispense with the flashbacks - unless they get really creative (like with Desmond's) or limit them to showing something very specific, they will become nothing more than a distraction to me. Stop dragging me away from the interesting stuff on the island!
Flame Station
So, the Flame Station is/was the communications center for DHARMA. And DHARMA and the Others, or "Hostiles", are not the same. Am I correct? That would make sense because Benry said he'd been on the island all of his life, and I wouldn't think he'd have any reason to lie about that. So there was some kind of battle ("purge") between the Others and DHARMA and only the Others were left standing? So what does that make the Others? Have they been there for generations? Was that statue's foot some ancient relic of their civilization? Does Benry have 4 toes?
But how does Juliet fit in? Ah, she worked for DHARMA but was kidnapped by them? Maybe? But Ethan was a DHARMA person and he worked with Benry, too. Then again, if Benry and the mythical "Jacob" are running some kind of cultish society (as some have theorized), maybe Juliet, Ethan and other DHARMA personnel (like Mikhail) were recruited by them before they wiped out, or "purged" DHARMA?
Brain. Hurts.
Speaking of Mikhail, do you think that was his glass eye that was found with the bible at the Arrow station?
Oh, Locke. This was not your day, was it? First, Sayid makes fun of your wacky Jesus Stick Compass. Then you take forever to come out of the computer room to aid your friends in the tussle with Mikhail. You're so obsessed with the computer chess game (I know how you feel) that you leave the prisoner in the other room so you can continue playing. And then you go and blow up a DHARMA station filled with communications equipment, DHARMA manuals, slabs of refrigerated beef and pitchers of iced tea. I'll bet you never want to see another computer as long as you live.
A lot of people are saying that they can't believe how stupid Locke was, but think about it: he didn't know about the explosives and do you all remember what happened the last time he didn't enter numbers into a computer? Yes, the Great Implosion. Should he have maybe consulted with his compadres before hitting enter? Yes. But I don't think the act was completely out of character for him.
One last thing for now: I was kind of hoping that Sayid would take Nadia the cat along with him. She was cute.
Oh, but Nadia didn't blow up, did she? Didn't she appear right next to him, on the path as they were walking away from the place? He looked at her and walked away, I thought.
Yes, the nicknames thing was for only a week, but we have seen 58 episodes so far and they only amount to a total of approximately 77 days of island time. That's about 1.3 days per episode, on average. We could very well finish out the season without hearing a single nickname from Sawyer! ;)
I like to think that the cat will survive just as Kate's horse did. By the grace of whatever magic put him there in the first place.
(Interestingly, the cat in the flashback was a male, and Mikhail's was supposedly a female. But I believe nothing he says.)
And if my cats are any indication, they will eat ANYTHING. Fruit included.
As for the "implosion" I always assumed that was more a figure of speech than a literal term. I'm no physicist (and perhaps I'm about to prove it) but I don't think it's possible for anything on Earth to implode, because wouldn't that mean the matter vanishes into itself? If the explosion went inward, wouldn't there have to be an "afterexplosion" or "exhale" that would toss debris? Part of that "abhorring a vacuum" and "equal and opposite reaction" stuff? I dunno.
Now Locke. I hear you, gina, and I would never disagree with you. He has a LOT on his mind.
But I do worry over the notion that Locke wouldn't recognize what the classic tactical response is when an enemy is about to invade and seize an asset: you destroy it.
He is, after all, a guy who, in his past life, spent all his time playing war games and studying military whatnot. He should have known what happens when you push the "enemy took over the place" button.
Oh, sorry, one more thing: I am also COMPLETELY confused about the Dharma/Others thing. Or am I? We always assumed the Dharma folks were the Others. Is it possible that the Dharma folks (including Ethan and Juliet, etc) were attacked by the Hostiles (including Benry), and that the Dharma-ites were, essentially, forced to become members of their little Jonestown? Some, like Ethan, took to it. Others, like Juliet, couldn't hide their wish to go home.
Does any of this make sense? Head hurt...
Of course, it's also possible the Hostiles were enormous people with four toes on each foot. THAT would be cool.
(Speaking of which, on one of the podcasts, Damon speculated on the fan hostility that would ensue if it turned out the four-toed statue was put on the island by a culture that worshipped Homer Simpson. I, on the other hand, would LOVE it.)
LOVED this episode. The ping pong and no nicknames was great, very Lost. Although I will miss the nicknames.
I believe that buildings (like the old casinos in Vegas and skyscrapers) are Imploded, where they collapse in on themsleves rather than exploding outward. But I am no expert on that either.
I find the idea of "hostiles" makes my head hurt, so I want to chalk it up to a Dharma mind game.
I was surprised at how dumb Locke behaved this episode, however, he was a lonely guy with a desk job and a wheelchair and not a commando as he has become on the island. Although I agree he should have had a clue about the "push in case of invasion" button and for goodness sake the man should stay away from computers.
I agree Sayid's flashback was not really adding to the story. But I am a big Sayid fan, so I liked it better than the Jack and Hurley flashbacks.
I am sad thinking about Heroes withdrawl tomorrow. Maybe I will rewatch last weeks. I am still convinced it was not the real Mrs. Bennet who was talking to HRG....
It was DEFINITELY not the real Mrs. Bennet. After their convo, she morphed into shapeshifter chick and her henchmen appeared and she said she was sorry. (she wasn't though)
Hey, you don't need to convince me. Gina is the one who thinks it was the real Mrs. B in the beginning. I didn't think it was her either. :)
LOST: I've always thought the Others were DHARMA but now, if you believe Mikhail (and I do, for some reason), it seems they have always been 2 distinct groups. Until something happened and certain members of DHARMA were absorbed into the Others with varying degrees of success.
I became even more confused when I read somewhere that one of the producer guys, either DL or CC, confirmed that there are 2 "factions" of Others.
Heroes: Until I see otherwise, I remain convinced that the first Mrs. Bennett was the real one!
Gina, I'm just pulling your samosa-stained leg. The first Mrs. Bennett was definitely real, since shapey commented on her hair. I thought that was a tip that she was studying it for later copying.
I'm on team gina! Always!
Hey, that's right! Candace (the reality-shifter) and Mrs. B were in the same room together, right?
ok, ok, I guess I will rewatch the episode!! I have 3 kids, who I homeschool, so my brain gets fuzzy by 9 pm when the show comes on! lol
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