Reminds me of when I was a kid, I would watch Carol Burnett and Mike Douglas and Quincy, M.E. after school. Not like kids today, who have all those crappy reality shows (MTV dating shows) and Maury Povitch.
Those were the days, huh?The talk shows I watched: Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin and Dinah Shore.And I would also watch Match Game and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir on channel 38, out of Boston (before cable!).Raised by TV, that's me.
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Reminds me of when I was a kid, I would watch Carol Burnett and Mike Douglas and Quincy, M.E. after school. Not like kids today, who have all those crappy reality shows (MTV dating shows) and Maury Povitch.
Those were the days, huh?
The talk shows I watched: Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin and Dinah Shore.
And I would also watch Match Game and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir on channel 38, out of Boston (before cable!).
Raised by TV, that's me.
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