Let's get the shallow stuff out of the way, shall we? Jack is looking hot this season. I think he lost some weight, and I love the longer hair on him. Maybe that's where all of his chest hair went!
On to the episode itself...I thought this was just a mediocre outing. I liked the story they were telling, and I was interested in seeing where things were heading, but I just wasn't pulled into it the way I was last week. Not a particularly bad episode, just not one of the better ones.
Hurley and Jack's Trek:
A question about the route Jacob sent them on: Why would he send them to the caves? What was Jack meant to see there? Most likely, it was his father's coffin, but why? To remind him of what he saw way back when they first crashed? You know, when you think about it, Jack lost his father's body in both realities, didn't he? Well, perhaps "misplaced" is a better word for it.
I loved Jack's reason for coming back to Island: To fix himself. Always looking to fix things is our Jack, even if that means crashing a plane full of passengers so he could get back to an Island that he couldn't wait to leave in the first place, just so he could blow up a hydrogen bomb. He really doesn't know what he wants, does he?
I am enjoying him much more this season, but all of my Jack-hate came rushing back when he smashed the mirrors in the lighthouse. I thought he was pretty chill now, but I see I was mistaken. All it took was one phrase - "You've got what it takes" - to make him freak out and not think before acting, just like the old days. If someone asks him to do something he won't do it blindly, but he always takes the bait, doesn't he?
This is how I've got the Claire story in my head so far: Claire actually died when Keamy and his mercenaries blew up the house she was in. Because her body wasn't buried, Smokey infected her with the "darkness" and when she came back to consciousness she was like Sayid (however that is!), and perhaps like the other dead people that have been wandering around the Island these past few years.

So one of the big differences in alternate Jack's life is a teenage son. (Who, btw, played the same Chopin piece in his audition that Daniel Faraday was playing when his mother told him he had to give up playing to become a physicist, or something like that) Little David Shepard looked distractingly to me like McLovin' from Super Bad.
Anyway...Who is David's mother? Is it important? Perhaps, and we may find out in a future episode, but it really had no bearing on the story they were telling last night. Some people on the interwebs are putting forward the theory that Jack's ex in the alt timeline is Juliet. That could be cool - mostly because I just want to see Juliet alive again, but if I had my way I would prefer that she somehow connected with Sawyer in the alternate timeline. I really like those 2 kids together.

The Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass theme:
The season 3 finale was titled "Through the Looking Glass"; the underwater Dharma station was the Looking Glass station and its symbol was a white rabbit; white rabbits have made appearances in the show ever since the Dharma Initiative was introduced; Jack was reading Alice in Wonderland to Aaron in "Something Nice Back Home", which he says his father used to read to him; and last night David was reading "The Annotated Alice".
And now mirrors seem to be playing an important role:
Alt-Jack looks at himself in the bathroom mirror on the plane in "LA X 1", and seems to see something different/unusual about himself; In "What Kate Does", alt-Kate has a similar experience when she looks at herself in the mirror at the auto garage; and last night again alt-Jack looks at himself sort of funny in his bathroom mirror, notices his appendix scar (his appendix was removed on the Island) but doesn't remember having it removed as a child.
Call me crazy, but I'd even go so far as to say the alt-Jack is a mirror image of Island Jack - I noticed last night that his hair was parted on opposite sides in the two realities.
Then they cap the whole thing off with the Lighthouse mirrors that Jacob uses to watch his candidates as they live out their lives.
I think this is all more of a thematic device than a literal explanation of the plot, but they have me wondering: Is the Island what we would find if we went down the rabbit hole?
Very nice catch on the hair (I wondered why his hair looked wet through the whole episode - maybe they wanted people to notice it)!!
I liked this episode. I think that the flash sideways is showing the castaways lives if Jacob never interfered. I liked when Jack smashed the mirror. I also think he is looking way hot this season. At first I really thought it was just showing them as if they landed - I totally thought Dr. Ethan was a plant to steal Claire's baby.
I was looking at the Lost Supper photo (http://www.spinja.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/the-lost-supper-l-1542x948.jpg)...I wonder if the way the castaways are split on either side of Locke will be the way they chose sides. Now it seems weighty to me that Sayid, Claire, Sawyer and Kate are on the side opposite Jack.
Also interesting... the Michael Emerson quote about "What if you saw what the show meant but couldn't recognize it?"
Too much caffeine for me today... ;)
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