
Idol: Top 20 Results

My prayers were answered: One of the blondes is gone! Yay! If I'm honest, it wasn't the one I wanted to go (the one with the permanent scowl - Kady?), but perhaps I will have less trouble telling them apart now that there are only two.

The four that got eliminated:

Jason Yeager - The Loooooooove Boat, exciting and new, come abooooaaard, we're expecting youuuuuuuu...

Robbie Carrico - Now he can return his rocker costume to Hot Topic. I'm not sure where he got the wig, though.

Alexandrea Lushington - That was sweet when she hugged David A.

Alaina Alexander - I'm surprised that more of them don't melt down the way she did. She is very young, though.

I am reallly, REALLY surprised that Amanda is still there. And while Luke isn't technically a bad singer, he's way too Glee Club. I think he's riding the pretty train.

Until next week.

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