The Beginning of the End
I love that this is the title because after watching it last night I was thinking, OK, so this is the beginning of the end. I absolutely enjoyed this episode. It was filled with so much great emotion and interesting story developments.
I don't have a recap ready yet, but I know that people will want to talk about the episode, so here are a few topics for discussion.
Look at this photo:

I loved that Cholly got props this episode for his sacrifice, and I loved all of the emotion surrounding his death, but I was sort of disappointed that Desmond was so quiet. Not only because I love him but also because he was the only person who actually witnessed what happened to Cholly.
Who are the "Oceanic Six"? We know three of them: Jack, Kate and Hurley. And that's interesting because from what we saw last night, Hurley joined up with Locke. How did he end up off the island? Are Michael and Walt two of the remaining three? And what's the big lie they are all keeping? Right now I'm thinking it's that there are people that they left behind. But maybe they have another secret.
I had trouble determining who was in whose group last night. This is what I can tell so far:
Jack's Group: Jack, Kate, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Sayid, Juliet, Sun and Jin
Locke's Group: Locke, Hurley, Sawyer, Benry, Rousseau, Alex, Karl, Claire and Aaron
Does that sound right? I was actually surprised that Desmond stayed with Jack. I think the only thing that made Sayid stay with Jack is his intense hatred of Locke.
Who do you think Hurley saw in the cabin? Wasn't that scary?! Here's a shot of the person in the chair:

Oh, and here's something weird: Do you think there's any significance to the watercolor Hurley was painting?

Finally, beautiful Desmond was back on my television screen, and even though he was practically mute, I was still happy. I was even happier when I saw this:

PS. The fish biscuits were good!
I wonder - do you think Jacob can appear as different people? Could he have been the visions people were having? Since dead people pop up all the time here.
I really thought that was Locke in the cabin, but now your photo makes me doubt it. I really enjoyed the episode last night, and being back amidst all the confusion.
I think Sun and Jin are part of the Oceanic 6, with the pregnant women dying on the island they would want to go. On another site I saw a list of the 6 and they were on it, but who knows.
Can't wait to hear more theories. I enjoyed the mobisodes - especially Jin golfing and Hurley and that guy Neal.
Well, I read a theory that it was Jacob's eye in the window, and that the figure of Jack's dad was whatever island force that is keeping Jacob prisoner. Remember what Locke heard Jacob say: "Help me."
The thing about Sun and Jin that worries me is that they were barely mentioned in the recap on Thursday and had very little to do in the season premiere. That makes me wonder about how long they're going to survive. I hope I'm wrong!
I have to go to - I haven't seen the final mobisode yet.
PS Sorry about the formatting of the post!
The theory of Jacob appearing differently to different people is interesting...but I can't figure out why he would appear as Jack's father to Hurley - that doesn't really make sense to me. Unless the two of them have some history that has yet to be revealed to us...
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