The Economist
This was a good one.
On the Island
Sayid appears to be facing Mecca and praying, perhaps saying a prayer for Naomi. When he finishes he goes over to Naomi's body and closes her dead eyes (finally! thank you!) and removes a silver bracelet from her cold, dead, wrist. Inscribed inside: "N, I'll always be with you. R.G." And the Internet lights up with people trying to figure out who R.G. is.
Sayid tells Frank that he will retrieve Charlotte from Locke in return for a seat on the chopper. Frank says sure and Miles insists on going with Sayid. Sayid says sure. The group expands to 3 when Jack tells Kate to join them.
Juliet heads off to the beach to get Desmond - she and Jack figure that he might know something about the Boat People since Naomi had that photo of him and Penny.
Locke and Company arrive at the location of the cabin, only to find it isn't there. This seems to throw Locke for a loop and Benry says that's because now there's no one to tell Locke what to do next. You'd think after all the beatings he's received that Benry might want to tone down the sarcasm. Dissention seems to be building in the ranks and Hurley suggests they just give Charlotte back so the bad people will stop coming after them. Locke says be quiet and come with me and they head for the barracks.
Back at the helicopter, Daniel decides to do an experiment. He sets up some kind of beacon, calls Regina on the phone and asks her to send the "payload". Regina counts down the arrival of the payload to Daniel's destination, but it doesn't arrive.
Sayid, Kate and Miles arrive at the barracks, which appear to be deserted still. They hear some noise, follow it and find Hurley bound and gagged in a closet of one of the houses. Hurley tells them that "They left me", that Locke is seriously crazy and they were all heading to Benry's house.
Back at the helicopter, Jack and Frank are chatting about the Red Sox when suddenly the "payload", which is actually a small missile/canister, comes out of the sky and lands at the foot of the beacon. Daniel opens the canister, removes a timepiece and compares the time on it to the time on the beacon. There is a discrepency of 31 minutes - the beacon's time was 02:45:03 and the canister's time was 03:16:23 - which Daniel says is not good.
Just then Juliet and Desmond arrive from the beach and for the love of all that is holy will you look at him.

Really, take a good look because I don't think we'll be seeing Desmond again for a while.
Needless to say, Desmond is pleased to see the helicopter.
Sayid, Kate, Miles and Hurley go to Benry's house and find it deserted. Sayid discovers that Benry has a Secret Room of Secret Identities, filled with suits, shirts, passports and money from different countries. Then Locke and his pals ambush them. It seems they were being set up by Hurley.
Sawyer keeps Kate in Benry's bedroom (convenient!), while Locke stashes Miles somewhere and locks Sayid up in the rec room with Benry. Sayid tells Locke that he has come for Charlotte, to trade her for access to the boat so he can get more info. Locke tells him that he's not going to give him Charlotte for nothing and Sayid tells him he didn't expect Lock to give her to him for nothing.
Kate and Sawyer have a nice chat on Benry's bed, each asking the other why they want to leave/stay on the island. Sawyer points out that Kate has jail time waiting for her when she's rescued and Kate asks him if he really thinks they can just stay there and play house. Sawyer sincerely replies, "Why don't we find out?"
Back at the helicopter, Desmond shows Frank the photo of him and Penny and asks why Naomi would have it. Frank denies knowing anything about it but when Desmond says "Penelope Widmore", Frank and Daniel exchange uneasy glances. Desmond invites himself along for the ride to the boat.
Sayid returns with Charlotte in tow, but no Miles or Kate. Turns out his plan all along was to trade Miles for Charlotte. (hee!) He tells Jack that Kate decided to stay behind. Frank agrees to take both Sayid and Desmond to the boat, as well as Naomi's body. Daniel and Charlotte will remain on the island to continue their "work". Daniel warns Frank to stick to the exact heading they used to reach the island. Frank takes off with Sayid, Desmond and Naomi's body all on board and we see the helicopter fly off over the ocean. Bye-bye, Desmond.
Flash Forward
Next we see Sayid entering an upscale cafe in Berlin where he approaches a pretty blonde woman sitting at a table and asks her for directions to someplace in the city. He sits down and enters into a friendly chat, which never seems to end well with Sayid. Her name is Elsa and she works for an economist. Her job entails waiting for her boss to page her when he's back in town, at which point she's required to run to his side. They chat a little more and she agrees to meet him for dinner the next day. As Sayid leaves the cafe, he uses a disposable cell phone to call someone. He tells the person on the phone that he has "made contact." He tosses the phone in the trash and in a nice acting touch, Sayid grabs a little bit of snow and rubs it in his hand in an effort to wash off that dirty feeling he's feeling.
Sayid and Elsa date a few times and start falling for each other. They lie together in bed after making love and Elsa lets it slip that she's fallen in love with him. They start to get busy again when the pager goes off. It's the economist with really bad timing! Elsa answers the page and tells Sayid where she has to meet her boss. It's the information Sayid has been waiting for; he tells Elsa to leave town and she figures out that Sayid was just using her to get to her boss. She starts to cry, goes into the bathroom and comes out and shoots Sayid in the shoulder. Whoa! It turns out that she was also using him and trying to get the name of his boss. While she's on the phone with her contact, Sayid grabs his gun and shoots twice, killing her. In tears, he drags himself across the floor to her body. He sees that she is wearing a bracelet similar to the one he took off of Naomi.
A bloody Sayid staggers into what appears to be a veterinary clinic. He enters an exam room and a disembodied (yet eerily familiar) voice tells him to take off his shirt. The mystery man works on Sayid's wound and asks, "Is she dead?" The camera moves and we see that Sayid's boss is Benry. Benry! Sayid is crying and Benry asks him to remember what happened the last time he thought with his heart instead of his gun. Do we know what he's referring to?
You can see the hate for Benry on Sayid's face as Benry says he has to do what he tells him to in order to protect his friends.
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