Confirmed Dead
OK, so who wants to discuss last night's incredible episode?? Some thoughts:
1. They actually made The Find815.com ARG tie-in with the story! I was surprised.
In the ARG, Sam Thomas is an IT Tech for Oceanic whose girlfriend Sonya was a stewardess on the plane. Oceanic gives up the search for 815, so Sam gets a job aboard the Christiane I, a salvage ship that's supposedly looking for the Black Rock, in order to find out what really happened. What they find, however, is not the Black Rock, but what appears to be Flight 815 - the entire plane as well as all of the passengers - at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. And we saw the ROV video from the game at the beginning of last night's episode. Cool!
Also cool are some of the clues provided during the game: "Frank Lapidus", a "Santa Rosa Mental Health Hospital" pill bottle, and "Queens College", among others. It was nice to get the payoff so soon.
2. So, the plane wreckage. Is it a plant, a fake put there by someone wanting to cover up what really happened to 815? If so, who's responsible? DHARMA? Oceanic? Widmore? Or is it a "duplicate" reality, another timeline?
3. Why were there remains of a DHARMA polar bear with a Hydra station collar on it in the Tunisian desert? How did it get there? And how could it possibly be fossilized?
4. Why would Daniel Farraday (a physicist), Miles Straume (a parapsychologist/medium), Frank Lapidus (a drunk pilot) and Charlotte Lewis (?) (an anthropolgist with knowledge of DHARMA) be chosen for this mission, and who are they being chosen by? I'm thinking it's Widmore Industries, in conjunction with DHARMA and that's who is also behind the fake wreckage. If it's fake. I'm really kind of hoping that Charlotte turns out to be evil because her face is sort of scary, what with the no eyebrows and skeletal features.
5. Jeff Fahey! He's a welcome addition with those beautiful eyes, even though he's got a major case of the creeps. Was it just me, or did Juliet and Frank have some serious chemistry there at the end, when she was cleaning his wound?
6. How awesome was it when Hurley said he knew which direction the cabin was in and Locke and Ben sort of freaked? Hmm, maybe you guys aren't so special after all. I hope Hurley gets up enough confidence soon to tell them the truth. Or at the very least finds out that he wasn't hallucinating.
7. I loved the snappy dialogue and pacing in this one, and I actually enjoyed Jack!
8. The Sayid/Juliet ambush was sweet, and I don't mean sugar-y. At first I thought Jack was lame with the old "my friends have you surrounded with guns pointed at your head" ploy, but then it was true! When the entire group was standing on the cliff looking down at the helicopter, I was thinking that maybe we were seeing 4 of the Oceanic 6: Jack, Kate, Sayid and Juliet (with Hurley being the fifth). Probably not, though.
9. Why do you think the freighter people are after Ben and where in the world did they get that photo of him? According to what Ben has said, he's been on the island his entire adult life. And what the heck is he wearing, something from the Tony Manero Urban Male Collection?

I was thinking perhaps they were DHARMA coming to get revenge on Ben for killing everyone, but then I thought, wouldn't DHARMA know where the island was all this time? And who do you think is Ben's man on the boat?
10. Finally, it seems that they are going to be using flashbacks as well as flash forwards this season. Like things aren't confusing enough already!
There's so much more to talk about, but I think this is enough to get the discussion moving. What did you think?
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