Let's get this out of the way first: What the heck does the title mean? Considering all the deals made in this episode, Eggtown is the perfect name for it. Apparently, "eggtown" is slang used by traveling salesmen to describe a location where there only bad deals are to be made. (where people only had eggs to trade, which are perishable and not a great bartering tool)
On the Island
The Barracks
It's morning and Locke makes a tray of breakfast (eggs, of course) and brings it down to Benry, who Locke is keeping captive in a basement room. The scene is reminiscent of the time when Benry was being held in the hatch. Benry does the mind game thing that Locke falls for every time. Locke says he's not falling for it and leaves, taking the tray with him. In frustration he throws the tray against the wall and Benry hears him and smiles.
Later, Kate goes to see Locke and asks him if she can talk to Miles. Locke, looking very much like the crazy person he seems to turning into, tells her no while wiping the blood from a chicken he just killed from his crazy hands. Kate wants to know where he's got Miles stashed, but Locke ain't talking. As she leaves she comes across Hurley walking with a tray of food and correctly surmises that he's bringing it to Miles. She tells Hurley that Locke wants her to take the tray and tricks poor Hurley into giving away Miles' location. He's tied up in the boathouse.
Kate goes to see Miles and asks him what exactly his group knows about her. He tells Kate that he'll answer her question if she can arrange for him to talk to Benry first.
Kate and Claire are hanging laundry, with Aaron nearby in a little basket. Wow, it didn't take Claire long to get all domestic once she got to the Barracks, did it? I guess a baby will do that to you. Me? I'd be spending at least the first week in bed, sleeping on a MATTRESS. Turniphead starts fussing and Claire asks Kate to pick him up but Kate begs off, saying she's not good with babies.
That night, Sawyer and Hurley are chillaxin' in their crib, Sawyer reading as usual while Hurley settles in to watch a tape of Xanadu, when Kate pays a visit. They go into the kitchen to chat and Sawyer brings out the DHARMA Box o' Wine. Damn, he's charming. No really, he is. That would totally work on me. She asks for his help in arranging the meeting between Miles and Benry.
Sawyer goes to Locke's place and in what I assume is part of his and Kate's plan, he tells Locke about Kate's plan to break Benry out of the basement and bring him to Miles. Locke freaks and they both take off for the boathouse. When they get there, Miles is gone.
Kate takes Miles down to the basement and tells him he has one minute to talk to Benry, and she'll be listening. Miles tells Benry that he will tell the people he works for that Benry is dead if Benry gives him $3.2 million. 3.2 million? Why such a specific number? Benry wonders the same thing. Miles insists on $3.2 mil and tells him he has two days to get the money together. Benry says considering his current situation, that might be a little difficult. Miles tells him he has a week. OK, weird conversation, don't you think? Perhaps there was a little bit of code in there?
Miles' minute is up and Kate takes him out of the room and demands an answer to her question. Miles tells her that, yes, his people know everything about her, including the fact that she is a wanted fugitive and has a list of offenses as long as my arm. Then Locke and Sawyer show up and break up the party.
Kate is back at home with Claire and Aaron (and she's showered and changed her clothes!). Locke comes by and tells her she has to leave in the morning. Well who died and made you boss, John? Well, a lot of people, I guess. Anyway, let'ss see, you've been told you have one night left in town, what do you do? Why, go to Sawyer's bedroom, of course! Smart girl. Kate tells Sawyer that Locke said she has to leave in the morning, and Sawyer cutely replies, "I unbanish you". They have a nice, flirty scene and start making out. The next morning she wakes up in bed with him, both in their underwear, and they start getting busy again, but she stops him. It turns out they didn't go "all the way" the night before. He starts talking about the possibility that she's pregnant and maybe that's what is bothering her, but she tells him emphatically that she is not. He's relieved. WAY too relieved as far as Kate's concerned and she gets pissed and says she's going back to the beach. He says fine, she'll just come running back the next time she gets mad at Jack. Oo, SNAP. She slaps him and walks out.
Locke has brought Miles his breakfast in the boathouse, where Miles has been strung up by his bound wrists. Oh John, you are scaring me. But wait, it gets scarier: Miles' breakfast is a grenade, which Locke puts in Miles' mouth. And Locke pulls the pin, leaving Miles to bite down on the trigger in order to prevent the grenade from going off. Locke tells him that this is his punishment for breaking the rules. Oh, and he also tells him to enjoy his breakfast. Dude! You're losing me here.
The Beach
Sun and Jin study a map of America and Jin picks Albuquerque, of all places, to settle down in after they get off the island. Sun surprisingly says she wants to raise her baby in Korea. Jin reminds her that it's "our baby". Just then, Jack, Juliet, Daniel and Charlotte arrive at the beach. They tell everyone that Sayid and Desmond have left in a helicopter and when Sun asks after Kate, he tells her that she stayed with Locke. While Daniel and Charlotte raid the DHARMA Beach Canteen, Jack tries unsuccessfully to reach the freighter on the sat phone.
That night Daniel and Charlotte are playing a memory game with a deck of cards. Daniel can only remember 2 of the 3 flipped cards and is frustrated, but Charlotte tells him that he is getting better. Jack still can't raise anyone on the phone, so he asks Charlotte why it isn't working. She tells him there's an emergency number they can call. He tells her to put it on speakerphone. The call goes through to the freighter and Regina answers. Charlotte tells her that Jack wants to talk to his friends but Regina doesn't know what she's talking about. Charlotte tells her the helicopter should have gotten there by now. Regina says it hasn't and she was under the impression that the helicopter was still on the island.
Flash Forward
This is turning into a loooong recap for some reason, so I'll try to be brief.
It's Kate's FF and life after the island isn't treating her any better than it has Jack or Hurley. She is one of the Oceanic 6 and her trial is big news. The prosecution's star witness is Kate's dying mother. Things are looking bleak so Kate's attorney wants to make this about her character and wants her son (?!) to be present in the courtroom. Kate refuses.
Instead, he surprises Kate by calling Jack as a witness. Jack testifies that Kate was a hero after the crash and it was her actions that saved lives. He tells the courtroom that only 8 people survived the crash, and two of them died almost immediately. Hmm, so that must be a part of their cover story. On cross examination the prosecutor asks Jack if he loves Kate. He replies, "No. Not anymore."
Kate's mother approaches her and offers to not testify against her if Kate lets her see her grandson. But Kate refuses. As it turns out, Kate's mother does not testify due to medical reasons and the state's case is weakened as a result. They offer Kate a deal: 10 years probation during which time she cannot leave the state of California. Kate takes the deal. And a trip to Eggtown, perhaps?
When she's leaving the courthouse she runs into Jack, who has been waiting for her in the parking garage. He tells her that he wasn't telling the truth on the stand, about not loving her and all, so she asks him to come over to her house. He starts to get uncomfortable and declines and suggests they meet for coffee some time. She tells him she knows why he doesn't want to see him, but she won't have coffee with him until he comes and sees the baby. The baby?! What baby?!
When she gets home (a very nice place she must have gotten with the Oceanic settlement money) the nanny tells her that her son is upstairs taking a nap. She goes into his room and a little blonde boy of about 2 or 3 years old is in bed. He wakes up and she hugs him. He says "Hi, Mommy" and she says "Hi, Aaron."
I swear, I did NOT see that one coming.
On the Island
The Barracks
It's morning and Locke makes a tray of breakfast (eggs, of course) and brings it down to Benry, who Locke is keeping captive in a basement room. The scene is reminiscent of the time when Benry was being held in the hatch. Benry does the mind game thing that Locke falls for every time. Locke says he's not falling for it and leaves, taking the tray with him. In frustration he throws the tray against the wall and Benry hears him and smiles.
Later, Kate goes to see Locke and asks him if she can talk to Miles. Locke, looking very much like the crazy person he seems to turning into, tells her no while wiping the blood from a chicken he just killed from his crazy hands. Kate wants to know where he's got Miles stashed, but Locke ain't talking. As she leaves she comes across Hurley walking with a tray of food and correctly surmises that he's bringing it to Miles. She tells Hurley that Locke wants her to take the tray and tricks poor Hurley into giving away Miles' location. He's tied up in the boathouse.
Kate goes to see Miles and asks him what exactly his group knows about her. He tells Kate that he'll answer her question if she can arrange for him to talk to Benry first.
Kate and Claire are hanging laundry, with Aaron nearby in a little basket. Wow, it didn't take Claire long to get all domestic once she got to the Barracks, did it? I guess a baby will do that to you. Me? I'd be spending at least the first week in bed, sleeping on a MATTRESS. Turniphead starts fussing and Claire asks Kate to pick him up but Kate begs off, saying she's not good with babies.
That night, Sawyer and Hurley are chillaxin' in their crib, Sawyer reading as usual while Hurley settles in to watch a tape of Xanadu, when Kate pays a visit. They go into the kitchen to chat and Sawyer brings out the DHARMA Box o' Wine. Damn, he's charming. No really, he is. That would totally work on me. She asks for his help in arranging the meeting between Miles and Benry.
Sawyer goes to Locke's place and in what I assume is part of his and Kate's plan, he tells Locke about Kate's plan to break Benry out of the basement and bring him to Miles. Locke freaks and they both take off for the boathouse. When they get there, Miles is gone.
Kate takes Miles down to the basement and tells him he has one minute to talk to Benry, and she'll be listening. Miles tells Benry that he will tell the people he works for that Benry is dead if Benry gives him $3.2 million. 3.2 million? Why such a specific number? Benry wonders the same thing. Miles insists on $3.2 mil and tells him he has two days to get the money together. Benry says considering his current situation, that might be a little difficult. Miles tells him he has a week. OK, weird conversation, don't you think? Perhaps there was a little bit of code in there?
Miles' minute is up and Kate takes him out of the room and demands an answer to her question. Miles tells her that, yes, his people know everything about her, including the fact that she is a wanted fugitive and has a list of offenses as long as my arm. Then Locke and Sawyer show up and break up the party.
Kate is back at home with Claire and Aaron (and she's showered and changed her clothes!). Locke comes by and tells her she has to leave in the morning. Well who died and made you boss, John? Well, a lot of people, I guess. Anyway, let'ss see, you've been told you have one night left in town, what do you do? Why, go to Sawyer's bedroom, of course! Smart girl. Kate tells Sawyer that Locke said she has to leave in the morning, and Sawyer cutely replies, "I unbanish you". They have a nice, flirty scene and start making out. The next morning she wakes up in bed with him, both in their underwear, and they start getting busy again, but she stops him. It turns out they didn't go "all the way" the night before. He starts talking about the possibility that she's pregnant and maybe that's what is bothering her, but she tells him emphatically that she is not. He's relieved. WAY too relieved as far as Kate's concerned and she gets pissed and says she's going back to the beach. He says fine, she'll just come running back the next time she gets mad at Jack. Oo, SNAP. She slaps him and walks out.
Locke has brought Miles his breakfast in the boathouse, where Miles has been strung up by his bound wrists. Oh John, you are scaring me. But wait, it gets scarier: Miles' breakfast is a grenade, which Locke puts in Miles' mouth. And Locke pulls the pin, leaving Miles to bite down on the trigger in order to prevent the grenade from going off. Locke tells him that this is his punishment for breaking the rules. Oh, and he also tells him to enjoy his breakfast. Dude! You're losing me here.
The Beach
Sun and Jin study a map of America and Jin picks Albuquerque, of all places, to settle down in after they get off the island. Sun surprisingly says she wants to raise her baby in Korea. Jin reminds her that it's "our baby". Just then, Jack, Juliet, Daniel and Charlotte arrive at the beach. They tell everyone that Sayid and Desmond have left in a helicopter and when Sun asks after Kate, he tells her that she stayed with Locke. While Daniel and Charlotte raid the DHARMA Beach Canteen, Jack tries unsuccessfully to reach the freighter on the sat phone.
That night Daniel and Charlotte are playing a memory game with a deck of cards. Daniel can only remember 2 of the 3 flipped cards and is frustrated, but Charlotte tells him that he is getting better. Jack still can't raise anyone on the phone, so he asks Charlotte why it isn't working. She tells him there's an emergency number they can call. He tells her to put it on speakerphone. The call goes through to the freighter and Regina answers. Charlotte tells her that Jack wants to talk to his friends but Regina doesn't know what she's talking about. Charlotte tells her the helicopter should have gotten there by now. Regina says it hasn't and she was under the impression that the helicopter was still on the island.
Flash Forward
This is turning into a loooong recap for some reason, so I'll try to be brief.
It's Kate's FF and life after the island isn't treating her any better than it has Jack or Hurley. She is one of the Oceanic 6 and her trial is big news. The prosecution's star witness is Kate's dying mother. Things are looking bleak so Kate's attorney wants to make this about her character and wants her son (?!) to be present in the courtroom. Kate refuses.
Instead, he surprises Kate by calling Jack as a witness. Jack testifies that Kate was a hero after the crash and it was her actions that saved lives. He tells the courtroom that only 8 people survived the crash, and two of them died almost immediately. Hmm, so that must be a part of their cover story. On cross examination the prosecutor asks Jack if he loves Kate. He replies, "No. Not anymore."
Kate's mother approaches her and offers to not testify against her if Kate lets her see her grandson. But Kate refuses. As it turns out, Kate's mother does not testify due to medical reasons and the state's case is weakened as a result. They offer Kate a deal: 10 years probation during which time she cannot leave the state of California. Kate takes the deal. And a trip to Eggtown, perhaps?
When she's leaving the courthouse she runs into Jack, who has been waiting for her in the parking garage. He tells her that he wasn't telling the truth on the stand, about not loving her and all, so she asks him to come over to her house. He starts to get uncomfortable and declines and suggests they meet for coffee some time. She tells him she knows why he doesn't want to see him, but she won't have coffee with him until he comes and sees the baby. The baby?! What baby?!
When she gets home (a very nice place she must have gotten with the Oceanic settlement money) the nanny tells her that her son is upstairs taking a nap. She goes into his room and a little blonde boy of about 2 or 3 years old is in bed. He wakes up and she hugs him. He says "Hi, Mommy" and she says "Hi, Aaron."
I swear, I did NOT see that one coming.
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