
Idol: Top 12 Women

Were you as underwhelmed as I was? And what's with all of the names beginning with the letter "A" and random apostrophes? My God, the names! Whatever happened to Mary or Sue or Elizabeth? And there are too many blondes - I can't keep them straight!

Again, in no particular order:

Alaina: Blonde. 16 years old and sings pretty well and has good energy.

Alexandr-AY-a: Never heard a peep out of her until last night and she's pretty good, one of the best of the night.

Amanda: This girl will never be an American Idol but I love her and her chill attitude. Although I'm not sure I'd want her as my nurse.

Amy: God, it's Haley all over again. What a snooze-a-palooza! And Randy, DAWG, Connie Francis sang "Where the Boys Are", not Patsy Cline, you dope.

Asia'h: Among the best of the night. But that apostrophe could be a problem for me.

Brooke: Blonde. Not as Carly Simon-ish as I had hoped she'd be, but she was pretty good and looked very pretty.

Carly: Carly had the pimp spot, of course. She's supposedly the ringer for the girls (and Michael Johns is the ringer for the guys), and there's the whole "controversy" surrounding her prior recording contract but you know what? I really don't care as long as she can sing. And it seems like she can. I just didn't feel it so much last night. She seemed really sick and what the heck was that song?

Joanne: Poor Joanne is sort of forgettable. Her voice is pretty but I don't think "Say a Little Prayer" was right for her. Nor do I think she will be around for very long.

Kady: Blonde. I can't remember what she sang, but I do remember her being angry looking. Oh yeah, she's the one who does the Britney Spears impersonation, y'all. She does have a pretty voice but the song was so boring (I remember now, it was "Groovy Kind of Love").

Kristy Lee: Blonde. I think she was the first one to sing. She likes horses, I remember that.

Ramiele: She was awesome. But honey, those shoes!

Syesha: I know I'm supposed to love her, but I don't, I'm sorry. From what I've seen so far she is way too shout-y and pretty full of herself.

Results show tonight! Two guys and two girls will be shown the door. Who do you think it will be?


J said...

aw, so nice to log on and find an AI update...it is like an old friend you haven't seen but didn't realize you missed!

I didn't watch but I thought I heard on the news that the controversy belonged to Kristy Lee?

gina said...

I think KL has her own controversy - she's done some recording already and has been referred to as "KKKristy" because she had a confederate flag flying in her music video. Whatever.

Did you notice that Randy looked like he was wearing a Chamilia bracelet? lol!

J said...

I didn't really watch but I'll try to see the results. It's easier that way since they recap the entire dang thing anyway. Maybe his bracelet is full of "dawg" charms!