I think I died last night and went to TV Heaven. Seriously. Not only was it all-Desmond-all-the-time, it was also one of the best LOST episodes in all of forever. And ever.
I really thought they were going to structure the helicopter storyline the way they did the raft/Tailies story: We would continue the island story and in a few weeks we'd pick up with the helicopter/freighter. Boy was I ever happy to be wrong about that!
I think what made the episode so powerful - besides the ratcheted-up suspense - was that they seamlessly combined the mythology/mystery with some seriously emotional drama and character development. Some of the information we got:
- Time is indeed moving slower on the island - a 20 minute flight off-island appeared to take more than a day to people on the island
- The EM pulse is what caused Desmond's time flashes
- Daniel Farraday's exposure to radiation during his experiments has made him susceptible to the effects of the island and impaired his memory, hence the memory game last week. It may also explain why he had a "caretaker" in his flashback. And the fact that he knew Desmond must have contributed to the reason he cried when he saw the footage of the plane crash. (BTW, Daniel is my favorite of the new characters)
- Only the conscious mind can time travel, not the body. And according to Daniel, the future cannot be changed.
- Charles Widmore bought the Black Rock log back in 1996. It probably contains information about the island in it, including a general area. Like I theorized before, I think Widmore is financing the freighter and used the Penny/Desmond story/photo as a cover for their real purpose. Why he would be after Ben? Don't know that yet. But I would bet that Widmore is "The Economist".
The big payoff, however, was the Desmond and Penny phone call. I cried and I bet you did, too. And how many of you thought that he was going to drop dead as soon as the call was finished? Gah!
There are so many more questions and theories to talk about but I have to get back to work. Before I do, I have to say I'm going to have a HELL of a time picking out a Desmond screencap for this episode's recap! I may just have to horde some away for future use. In the meantime, check out the guns:
"If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be my constant." I need a t-shirt with that on it.
Gina, I thought of you throughout the episode. As in, "Oh my gosh what will Gina do if they kill Desmond?!" I am happy for both of us they didn't.
One question - why do you think Daniel cried when Oceanic 815 went down? Desmond was not on the plane, so how do you make the connection?
Excellent recap as usual. This season has just been amazing, each episode is fantastic. I so love this show!!! And I like your theory of Widmore being the Economist.
Gina -
I agree totally...one of the best episodes ever! The phone call was so touching. Man! These last three episodes have been some of their best.
I have to give Sayid a lot of credit. He's not really one for doing things on faith and yet he helped Desmond with the phone line even after Desmond admitted to him that he didn't know the number he needed to call. Very impressive.
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