
Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing.

You guys have got to check this site out (thanks, popculturejunkmail.com). The site is a compilation of actual posts from baby-naming message boards, with running commentary from the site's owner. Just one example:

"I think it's good to name your baby a name different from anyone else baby, because there is so many people who have the same name your baby have or it's very difficult. Also, it's hard to name your baby a different name, because when you think that no-one have that name there will be someone who have the same name your baby have when think you have named your baby different. so, you really can't have any name that's different from anyone unless it's something made up."

Judging from this entry, I think this person named their child, 'Have.' "
Well, maybe another:

"I am 7 months pregnant, and I am having a boy. I think i'm going to name my son Kakinston , What do you think... ??

Besides sounding like a former Central Asian Soviet republic bordering Uzbekistan, it aids small bullies immensely starting the kid's name with KACK.

I've wasted the last half hour of my workday laughing at this stuff, and I'm only on Part III.

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