
Lurid does not even come close to accurately describing testimony at the federal trial of former Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano. This article was from early yesterday, and he did indeed end up taking the stand. I haven't read any news reports, but my mother tells me that his defense is that the reason he demanded that the 8 year-old be brought to him by her prostitute aunt is that he was aroused by the idea of having the little girl in the room next door while the aunt performed oral sex on him. Nice. And bullshit.

My mother said he also admitted, with his wife in the courtroom, that he had had a relationship with the prostitute for 9 years and had engaged in 6 extramarital affairs (all meetings apparently taking place in his semen-soaked office), and he hasn't even been married for 10 years! How can his wife sit there and listen to that crap and still defend him? How can she watch videotape testimony from the little girl, in which she describes in great detail the sex acts she performed on the mayor, and still sit in the courtroom, providing moral support to her husband? What is wrong with her?

For comprehensive reporting on the case, go here. I know what I'll be reading at lunchtime.

Update: Guilty. Besides a possible life term, he has the state's sexual assault charges and federal corruption charges to look forward to; may he rot in jail.

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