

I neglected to mention that I had gone to see T3 the weekend it opened, and was happy to find that I really enjoyed it. While I adore the original and like the second one, I had my reservations about a third. The first sequel was never intended to begin with, but they made it work, and in the end the acopalypse was averted, for real. How could they come up with a story that was worth telling? I don't know how they did it, but they made it work, imo. T3's story seemed to grow organically from the first two movies and its conclusion leaves the door open for more Terminator films without having to revert to the "stopping-the-apocalypse" plot of the others. Also, even though the film was packed with action and special effects, the human aspect took front and center. I'll definitely be adding this one to my Terminator collection.

Speaking of movies, I rented two this weekend (well, I actually rented 3, but only watched 2, which always happens so I don't know why I bother renting 3...) - Die Another Day and One Hour Photo. Pierce Brosnan is slowing gaining on Sean Connery as my favorite James Bond. This is definitely one of the better Bond movies (even Mommy liked it), and damn that man just does it for me.

One Hour Photo is a tough one to recommend, but I will, for two things: 1) Robin Williams' performance - I always prefer him when he's being creepy- and 2) the direction and cinematography.

I've read two books since I last updated the reading section: "And Justice There Is None" by Deborah Crombie, and "Sin Killer" by Larry McMurtry. Both great summer reading. And now I'm re-reading "The Lord of the Rings", all three books. I've also got a Richard Jury mystery, "The Blue Last" by Martha Grimes, waiting in the wings. Should be enough reading material for a while.

Finally, and not fitting in with the general theme of this post (hence "Randomness"), I was just outside doing a little weeding and the friendly neighborhood cat that my mother insists on feeding and now considers us his, came trotting into the yard and up the stairs to our deck with a dead baby rabbit in his mouth. Proud as a peacock Barney (the cat) was, until I picked up the welcome mat and fast-walked all the way to the back field and flung the little bunny's body back into the field from whence it came. The joys of country living.

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