
I don't know how to start this post, or even what I want to say.

On May 3, my father was killed in an accident at his work site. It's still too painful to even type those words. So there will be no eulogy to Daddy here, not yet. Maybe some time in the near future I will be able to talk about him here; I really hope so. But I thought it was time that I did 2 things: 1) let those of you who don't know me personally (are there any of you?) know the reason why I've been away; and 2) resume blogging.

Rest assured, I am doing well, or as well as can be expected. I am back at work, and I've turned my attention now to projects for the new house. Thank you to all of you who have provided such wonderful support these past 2 weeks, and to my family. I love you all very much.

So, posting shall begin soon...

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