
LOST University: Enroll Now

Today is the fifth anniversary of the crash of Flight 815 (and the series premiere), and it's also the day that ABC launches LOST University, which I assume is, like previous online ARGs and show-related websites, a way to keep folks interested in the show until it comes back in January.

I just found out about this through a Lostpedia tweet and then raced here to share the information with you, so I really have no idea what this is all about. Except that it looks like fun.

I'm going to go enroll and see what's what. Maybe you should, too. Classes start December 8, 2009.


Beth said...

I had signed up to hear when enrollment started, and went and signed up yesterday. But I don't think I will be buying the Lost season 5 Blu-Ray, which is where it seems most of the Lost U stuff will be. We'll see...

gina said...

Yeah, it turned out to be more of a marketing tool than I originally thought. Oh, well!