
Three and a half hours and then it's over.

Tonight is the penultimate episode of LOST, which will be leaving our TV screens forever - FOREVER! - in less than a week. This time next week, it'll all be over. GAH!

The Internet is of course awash in all things LOST in the lead-up to "The End", so I thought I'd point out a few things that you may have missed.

New York Times interview with Lindelof and Cuse

Reflection on LOST from the stars, fans and bloggers

Dana Carvey's LOST Spinoff:

Televisionary previews tonight's episode - without spoilers:
While "Across the Sea" felt like an entirely different series, a parable slotted in right after a particularly tense and heartbreaking episode, "What They Died For" feels entirely like a penultimate episode of Lost should: it sets the stage for the final chapter (airing Sunday evening, of course) and kicks the action into high gear, signaling in no uncertain terms that the end is about to arrive.

Enjoy the show.


Beth said...

Hee hee! thanks for the links. I hope I have time to read them all before tonight!

~krys said...

I kind of don't want to watch it tonight. I want to draw it out. I guess I could draw out Sunday night (ok, I know I won't, lol), but I have to watch tonight's ep before that thing on Thursday.
Off to look at the links. Thanks, Gina.