
Today's Tweets

Via @CuteOverload - Baby Otter Webcam!

Via @Movieline - Lost's Jeff Fahey on the Fate of Frank Lapidus and that Machete Trailer

Via @fuggirls - Anne Hathaway really knows how to pick 'em.


Beth said...

Noooooo! I had my hopes up for Frank after watching the last "Totally Lost" on EW and now you have to go and link to this?! Where Jeff himself confirms Frank is dead. Waaaaahhhh! I am going to need some time to console myself. sniff sniff, thanks a lot Gina!

gina said...

LOL, well sometimes it's better to just be told the hard truths than to cling to desperate hope. ;)

This being LOST, however, I wouldn't put it past any of them to lie. So who knows?