
Quiz Time

Invisibles #28 is up, and it's not as hard as last week - I got 7 out of 8! Anyone know where the one with the bowtie-wearing man is from? You can see last week's answers and top scores here.

Filmwise also has other quizzes at their site, Text and Visual, and they've posted some new ones. Dog Days is a visual quiz that asks you to name the movie in which the dog(s) pictured appeared. I apparently do not pay too much attention to dogs in movies - I only got 2 out of 12 correct. I fared much better with the Text quizzes - Movie Limericks asks you to identify a film by a limerick (10 is my favorite - but watch out, 12 spoils the end of the movie it is describing), and I got 11 out of 12. I am ashamed to say that I missed a perfect score because I couldn't remember where I heard him yelling, "Aunt Beru!"

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