
Some clarification on the Seattle jumper story

Jill, a friend of mine who lives and works in Seattle, was kind enough to send along a clarification of the Yahoo story:

Now, the Yahoo! story isn't quite right--the jumper didn't jump because commuters were yelling at her to do so simply because there weren't any cars going by her at the time. Starting at about 7:00 this morning, she had been sitting on the bridge railing on the Southbound side of I-5. So they closed the southbound lanes as police tried to talk her down. But northbound lanes slowed to take a look at it was northbound commuters that were yelling at her to jump. So they closed the Northbound lanes, too. At the time she jumped, there were no cars on I-5. But still, as I said before, it's disgusting.
I agree. You can read the local news story here.

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