
(Not-So-Close) Brush With Fame

When we shut down the Waterbury office, we also shut down the mail server for the gplaw.com domain name. Even though there should not have been anyone receiving mail at that address for quite some time, there were still some employees (namely partners) who hadn't notified all the people they should have notified of their change of address (some changes having occurred last year). So, in order to catch any stray messages that may still be coming in, we configured our mail host to route any and all messages sent to someone@gplaw.com to my Inbox. As a result, I have to weed through an average of 250 e-mails each morning, mostly spam (over a thousand on Monday mornings). Every once in a while, I get an interesting e-mail, usually misdirected to gplaw.com because of a typo - attorneys sending documents to each other, friends trying to hook up for a drink, etc. If I catch one of these, I'll send off a quick note, informing them of their mistake.

One such e-mail came to me late last week, and I had to share it with you. It was from the booking agent for Pat Sajack's talk show on FOX News, sent to representatives of George Foreman, asking if he would be interested in appearing on Pat's show this Wednesday, the 25th. (The address was off by one letter, resulting in it coming to us). Oops! Being the good samaritan that I am, I immediately shot off a reply to the booking agent, letting him know of his mistake and kindly offering to appear on the show if George couldn't make it. Oddly enough, I didn't hear back from him. Nor do I know if they were able to book George for Wednesday. I'll have to check.

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