
And in the darkness

So where were you when the lights went out? I'm afraid I don't have any interesting stories to tell about my experience during the singlest largest power outage ever in the U.S. I was at work when at about 4:15 the lights sort of "sputtered" out, once, twice, third time was the charm. We stood around for a couple of hours before finally accepting that the power wasn't going to come back on any time soon.

The Big Wrinkle for me - I was supposed to fly out this morning to Vancouver, with a layover in Toronto. Uh-uh. Flight was cancelled. So, I spent an hour on the phone in the dark with an agent from Travelocity who was very helpful and got me booked on a flight tomorrow. I'm disappointed that I'm not there right now, when I should be, but hey, whatcha gonna do?

The lights came on some time during the wee hours of the morning. I got up at 6:30, threw something on and went into the office to get the computers up and running. All systems were go (except for our T1, which was down due to unrelated trouble with the line) and I was out of there as soon as I could be. Tried to nap today but couldn't, so I sat out and got a sunburn and then did some cleaning.

I'll be gone all next week, coming home on Saturday the 23rd. Have a wonderful week - eip, we will miss you! I know that there will be at least one laptop in our group, so maybe I'll be able to post here and there. Til next week!

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