

The Return of the Rings: "You swim in this story, and drink it and breathe it. By the time Sam rallies that last bit of willpower, if you're still with it, your defenses are entirely gone. You'll cry, too -- you just try not to. To envelop yourself in Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings" is to surrender all cynicism and irony, all reservations about underlying symbolism and troubling imagery, and to be carried along on an irresistible current, at least until Frodo sails off to the Undying Lands."

Man, Christmas can't come soon enough!

1 comment:

Esther said...

It wouldn't let me do the Free Pass, so I'll have to read the rest at home.

Gina, I can't even put into words how much the additions add. Some of them are so small, but so meaningful, and all of them are fantastic. You will love it. I laughed and cried as if it were my first time seeing the movie.
