What did you think? Did you like it? Do you want to marry it, like Mike does?
My heart was in my throat the entire 2 hours. I felt nauseous. I cried, more than once. And now I have to wait 8 months for more.
This finale really felt like an ending in many ways, with both lives and storylines coming to and end, and I wonder if that signifies a fundemental change in the show for the next 2 seasons. Will the focus shift to the people off-island? Will the story be presented in real-time now, with flashbacks covering events on the island after the rescue? Something to think about, I guess.
Again, random thoughts:
* Sayid and Keamy's kick-ass, ass-kicking fight was really well done. It's always nice when Sayid gets to break out his Republican Guard moves.
* Richard needs to ease up on the guyliner.
* I liked the way they picked up the threads of the flash forwards from where they left off, moving the story forward now. And I was glad that they were able to use the now-grownup Walt by putting him the flash forwards. It was good to see him.

Whoa! WTF? Why "Jeremy Bentham"? Why did he leave the island? What went wrong after the O6 left? Who killed him? Oh, too many questions!
I liked it when John told Jack that he was good at lying because he's lied so long to himself, but I also think John is deluded in thinking that the island is purely benevolent. There's something not so good going on there. How come no one's "seen" Jacob? Is someone (or thing) holding Jacob captive? Didn't he ask Locke to help him the first time Locke was in the cabin? I'm still not so sure that Locke is the person meant to save Jacob. Besides, didn't he fail Richard's test as a child? Why would Richard accept him as the new spiritual leader? Oh, the mind boggles.
* So Charlotte was born on the island? Her parents must have been DHARMA, then, and that must be how she recognized the DHARMA collar on the remains of the polar bear. Her scene with Daniel was sweet. I really hope his raft was within the radius of the island's disappearing act.
* Sawyer really loves Kate, doesn't he? What a romantic hero he's become. I prefer Kate with Sawyer over Jack, but I gotta say, he and Juliet had some seriously crazy sexy chemistry in that one scene they shared. Oh, and speaking of Sawyer, I just read that the two alternate endings that they showed on Good Morning America this morning were shot with Sawyer and Desmond in the coffin. Aw, hell NO.
* Hurley was playing chess with Mr. Eko! That makes me sad and happy. Do you think Sayid is really taking Hurley to a safe place, or do you think he's still working for Benry and is gathering people up for a trip back to the island?
* I couldn't believe it when Benry jumped on Keamy and went crazy with the stabbing! And then his "So?" when told that he just killed all of the people on the freighter? That's sort of harsh, Benry. You have me all mixed up. First you make me laugh with the "time-traveling bunnies" line, then you freak me out acting like Norman Bates; and then you have me feel sorry for you as you say goodbye to John and you cry as you are forced to leave the island for good. You're a complicated little man, that's for sure.
* Who here thinks that Jin is really dead now? I think it's very probable that he is, but I'm still fighting it. I won't accept it until I see his dead body float up on the beach. Poor, poor Sun. That was so heartbreaking, to see him running for the helicopter...I'm going to start crying again. What's going on with her and Widmore? Do you think she's really siding with him? Or could she be setting him up?
* You know I had to save the best for last. Seriously, you guys - Penny found Desmond! And he didn't die!

Desmond, I am so happy for you. And for me. But God they sure did have fun jerking me around with all the bomb stuff and then the helicopter crash and then him telling Penny that he would never leave her again...even at that point I was waiting for the rifle shot that would take him out.
I hope that now that he's reunited with Penny that his story isn't over, and that they don't downgrade his presence on the show. I hope the fact that he (and his Penny) are fan favorites will keep his character from being marginalized in the final two seasons.
The only disappointing note hit for me last night was the retirement of the Blue Shirt of Hotness that Desmond has worn for years now, it seems. Desmond in that shirt was a thing of beauty, and I will miss it:

Well, that's it, I guess. Now we wait until January.
I didn't get to wacth LOST on Thursday (thank goodness for Tivo) and it was KILLING me not to read any blogs until I got to watch it. I loved the episode. I was so happy for you when Des lived. (Did you see the alternate ending with him in a casket?) Great recap. So many answers, and yet so many questions.
I *did* see that video at the GMA site and it sent shivers down my spine! I'm glad I didn't get wind of that. I would have been devastated, lol.
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