
I apologize to all who have been experiencing difficulty accessing this site this week. Besides my publishing difficulties and the fact that the site was unavailable for most of yesterday, there are still people who can only intermittently get here. Unfortunately, my provider provides very little tech support for personal home pages. Basically they say here's your free space - you're on your own from here on in. Hopefully I'll be able to zero in on the problem soon.

I also have to apologize for a lack of content updates recently. No new pictures, no new X-Files commentary...there is really no excuse except that I have found other things that I would rather be doing. And since those "other things" constitute nothing more than watching movies or going out and partying, there really is no excuse! Some of the things I would like to work on in the coming weeks:

updates to the photos section (kids, vacations, etc)
finish season 8 x-files episode commentary and hopefully start on some older episodes
add content to the I like page
polish off my home page

Life will be getting particularly crazy in the coming month(s), however; my mother will be moving in with us on a temporary basis either at the end of July or August, depending on how quickly we can get our butts in gear and get her out of her current place. It's going to be a swell time, getting her packed up! I'm trying not to think about Life with Mommy once she gets here. I'll keep you posted.

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