
Is August almost over already??

Where the hell did this month go?

Sorry I've been away for so long. Real life has been pulling me in a couple of directions, work has been busy and I have been sucked into the Playstation 2 vortex, with this Alias game.

I'm going to try to "put the controller down" this weekend and get some much needed stuff done around the house, cleaning being priority number one. The dust bunnies are getting so big you can trip over them. I also need to decide what color to paint my bedroom. I've toyed with the idea of a few different colors, but I think I may actually paint it a white and get a carpet and drapes that will add color to the room. I really need to paint it, though - I can't the current color anymore. It's a very vivid baby blue. Ick.

Then there are the remaining boxes in the back room, most of which are filled with photo albums. Lots and lots of photo albums. I'm working on some ideas for storing them, but it's going to be tricky, I think.

Oh, I've been really enjoying Netflix. Mostly because of the ease of use. And it's fast. I've got "Master and Commander" and "Monster" waiting for me at home, so I'll try to squeeze them in in the next few days, too.

Hope you're all doing well. Now, how about some posts?

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