
Witness: Iraq Abuse Photos 'Just for Fun': "He was especially angry about testimony about additional photos for which England is charged showing her engaged in 'oral sodomy' with a soldier, nude by a pool, and waving her breasts in front of a sleeping soldier.

Hernandez said they were 'private intimate photos that should have been kept that way,' adding they were no worse than what someone might see at Mardi Gras or spring break.
Spc. Charles A. Graner Jr., 35, another soldier in England's unit, also has been charged with abuses and was involved in a romantic relationship with England; he faces adultery charges for allegedly having sex with England last October. England's lawyers have said she is pregnant with Graner's child."

What a goddamned mess. I think she enjoyed every minute of her participation in those prisoner photos, orders or no orders.

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