
LOST "...And Found."

I really enjoyed last night’s episode, again. The actress who plays Sun is just amazing. Her reaction to finding the wedding ring almost had me in tears.

Random things:
  • I liked how they intertwined the “lost and found” theme throughout the show. Locke said something about how he didn’t feel lost anymore, and that you find what you’re looking for when you stop looking – Sun and Jin found each other (what a sweet scene that was) after they both failed in their respective searches; Sun found her ring (and hope) after saying that she knew that Jin and the others were not alright; and this doesn’t exactly fit, but Jin and Echo found Michael after...stopping to get a drink of water?
  • I liked how they had Sun interacting with everyone separately. Nice character interplay, especially between her and Hurley. He said something that made me laugh out loud, and now I can’t remember it. Something about the "good Korea or the bad Korea", I think.
  • The scene where Jin and Echo (oops, it's Eko) hide and watch the Others walk by was very well done. So was that Walt walking with them carrying the teddy bear?
  • I thought the actress who plays Sun (Yunjin Kim, perhaps?) did a great job of playing her younger self. Even the way she walked, in the first flashback, across her bedroom when she was getting ready for the matchmaker date, was very much like a young girl. I’ve always loved the Jin and Sun flashbacks.
  • Why is not saying goodbye to Sawyer a reason for Kate to be rifling through everyone’s personal bottle messages? I've read speculation that that was just a lie Kate told Sun to cover her real reason for going through the messages - that she was looking to retrieve hers because it had damning information in it. Remember, though, that Sawyer was reading through everyone's messages while on the raft, so if she is trying to hide something, he knows what it is. Or maybe she was hoping that Sawyer had left a message in the bottle and wanted it as a memento? But why would he do that? He was on the raft and could deliver his message himself. Hmm.

There's the usual great discussion going on over at TMFT, in the comments thread. Check it out.

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