
"Gossip Gangsta"'s Gay Witch Hunt

Salon.com profiles gossip blogger Perez Hilton: "While the average gossipmonger is content to collect his pay and scurry back into the shadows, Perez describes his work as a moral crusade. He portrays himself as a Savonarola in a pink pantsuit, a gay crusader who will use whatever means necessary to achieve his aims. As he told 'Access Hollywood' after Bass came out this summer: 'It upsets me that people think what I'm doing is a bad thing ... I know there is some controversy about outing people, but I also believe the only way we're gonna have change is with visibility. And if I have to drag some people screaming out of the closet, then I will.' "

I freely admit to enjoying my fair share of celebrity gossip, as I'm sure you've noticed, and I grew up in a household where the weekly supermarket trip brought home all the latest editions of People, US and The Enquirer, which were eagerly devoured. But I have to say I draw the line at outing closeted celebrities. Personally, I think they would lead more happy and satisfying lives if they would come out, but certainly no one has the right to force them to do it.

Now, as for other recent celebrity shenanigans, I'm all for building an elite force dedicated to ensuring the proper utilization of what we in the non-celebrity world like to call "underpants".

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