
No News is Good News

But bad news is still bad news. I never did get that hoped-for good news in the mail, just the opposite as a matter of fact. My application for acceptance into an advanced teacher certification program was denied. There are other avenues to certification that I can pursue, but I don't think I'm ready take this on again, not right now. And so I have renewed my job search, in earnest.

Although I don't know this for certain, my lack of recent experience with children probably contributed to my rejection. It is a very competitive program, and things like assistant teaching, mentoring, participation in programs like Big Brothers/Big Sisters, etc., give candidates an edge over others. Sensing my disappointment yesterday, my mother wrote me this note:

I'm writing this so I don't cry in front of you. Although this paper contains words - believe me there are hugs and kisses and many thank yous in between the lines.

You must understand that for the last 10 years you have been mentoring, caring, protecting and loving to me, and me being me - I didn't leave you much time to mentor others.

I love you. You are certainly a successful woman in whatever you choose to do with your life and I'm so proud of you. Thank you for all your love and kindness. Mommy.

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