

And feeling better. Thanks for being so patient.

The tooth is cracked right up through the root and the gum around it was infected. I'll probably lose the tooth, which is too bad, but I'm not surprised. I have a long road of dental work ahead of me, including braces, I hope, but I'm glad to be finally heading down that road.

Other than taking some major drugs and nursing my head, I haven't really been doing anything too interesting. I haven't seen any new movies, but I do have "Shaun of the Dead" and "The Clearing" waiting at home for me. I'm all caught up on "Deadwood", an HBO series I wholeheartedly recommend. Very nearly the best thing on TV right now. If you're interested, season 1 can be found on DVD, On Demand, and HBO2 is running a season 1 encore this week, starting on Wednesday night. The season 2 premiere is this Sunday, March 6. Cannot wait.

I've also gotten back into playing Playstation 2. I finished Prince of Persia last night. I really enjoyed that game and found that I was missing it almost as soon as the ending cut scene began, despite the highly stressful swordfights with the sand monsters. Next, it's back to Star Wars Bounty Hunter. I stopped at Level 6, and I think there are, like, 18 levels - it's not a good sign to be having such difficulty so early on in a game.

Then if I can ever tear myself from the TV or computer, I need to get started on painting my bedroom. I've picked the color and bought the paint and supplies - now I just need to get my arse in gear and get it done. Before and after photos will be forthcoming, I promise.

Oh, and it's suppose to snow again tonight, with anywhere from 3 to 11 inches falling. (we had another snowstorm last week, while I was incommunicado). Fun fun fun!

Alright, let's see what's going on in the world...

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