
'Alone' at the top.

I've been watching American Idol this season, enough to know who I like (Bo, Carrie, Nadia) and who I don't (Constantine, Mikhala), so I wanted to just make a quick comment about last night's show.

Bo is still my favorite, but when Carrie started belting out the chorus of Heart's 'Alone', she nearly won me over. I've still got goosebumps thinking about it. (the hair has got to go though, honey)

1 comment:

gina said...

LOL, I probably never mentioned it because I'm usually such an adamant anti-reality-TV proponent. Sheila got me hooked.

Nadia is the one who had the mohawk last night. Not her best performance, but I think she still has legs in the competition.

Constantine creeps me out, and I think he stinks. They try to stick him and Bo in the same category, but I don't think he can hold a candle to Bo's talent. He has such an awesome voice. Constantine just makes me go blecch.