
Beating a dead horse, so to speak.

The man behind "Deadwood": "David Milch talks about turning the sanitized Hollywood western on its head with foul-mouthed misfits and miscreants who, no matter how vile, are touched by the divine."

I'll get you to watch this show if it's the last thing I do.

(viewing of ad required for day pass)


Johnny_Canuck said...

I was in Deadwood last September, on my way back from Des Moines. Went to see Wild Bill and Calamity Jane's graves. Stopped in one of the locals for a pint and a re-enactment of the shooting of Wild Bill, and found out there was a TV show being made about the place.

I have bee fascinated by that thought ever since, and, having read several reviews of the series, it sounds right up my alley. Wish I could score some DVD's of it or something, the only way to get it here is on Satellite dish. That wouldn't work in my house, we have 4 TVs on 4 differnt channels all the time. :(

gina said...


Season 1 is on DVD now. I have HBO On Demand, but they've taken off most of the first season for now. If you like, if they get around to showing the first season again, I can tape them for you and send them to you.

I think you'd really love it.

I was visiting with Holly and Krys last weekend and we were talking about you. Holly had come across your "L.A. predictions" for when we went to XPA that year, and we were cracking up.

She also kept some of the old spud messages, including when we were picking out the team name. I told her she needs to send them out to the old gang for a chuckle.

Johnny_Canuck said...

Gina. I'll scrouge around the local Blockbuster armed witht hat information and see what I can scrounge up. Thanks for the offer!

Yeah, those were the days, eh?
Life has got so much more serious since then...