
And her name is Veronica.

I've lately been spending most of my free time at home watching season 2 of
Veronica Mars on DVD. I get a DVD from Netflix, I watch all 4 episodes that night. I'm supposed to be receiving the last disc (6) today. I can't wait to find out who caused the bus to crash!

The second season started off a little slow for me. I'm a big fan of Veronica and Logan as a couple and when the season started with them broken up, I wasn't all that jazzed about it. But things picked up storywise and the writers really started to develop a lot of the secondary characters that I love - guys like Cliff the public defender and Vinnie Van Lowe the private investigator, and Kendall Casablancas and Mac Mackenzie. (What a kick it was so see Allyson Hannigan (Buffy's Willow) and Charisma Carpenter (Buffy's Cordelia) in the same scene together!) And the continuity and tightness of the writing is amazing. Loose ends are not a part of Veronica's world.

The show feels like it's about to hit its prime when the third season starts on October 3, and I can't wait. But first I get to find out who crashed the bus tonight!

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