

So I watched the second episode of Kidnapped last night and, well, some of the bloom is off the rose, I think. The writing seemed better and the acting was good, but the story veered a little too far from where we were at the end of last week.

I got NO sense of urgency about Leopold last night while they pursued the sister-abduction instead. I mean, let the cops in Rhode Island deal with the possible disappearance of Leopold's bar-hopping, coke-sniffing co-ed sister - Christ, she could have been anywhere, hooked up with some guy - and concentrate on the kidnapping case at hand. Am I right? No?

I'm aware of the practical side of this, that they need to weave more stuff into this story in order to stretch it out over the entire season, but it just seemed wrong that at the end of the episode Knapp and the FBI guys were hanging out, having a drink at a bar, like they were chillin' at happy hour at the end of a workday. Hello!? Kid has been abducted? Remember? Shouldn't you be camped out at the parents' house?

I'll still watch next week - they haven't lost me yet - but they're on thin ice now.

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