
TV Talk: Baby Come Back!

It's January, and you know what that means: New episodes of favorite shows!

Quickly, here's a rundown of the return dates of the shows that I watch and write about here:

24 - January 12
CSI - January 15
Battlestar Galactica - January 16
Fringe - January 20
LOST - January 21
Heroes - February 2

Up in the air still:  The final 3 episodes of Pushing Daisies.  The last I heard, ABC was playing with the idea of airing them all in one night.  That would be awesome.

Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse premieres on FOX on February 13, if you're interested.  I an a huge Joss fan, but not such a huge Eliza Dushku fan, or at least I wasn't all that fond of Faith on Buffy, so I'm going into this one with some reservations.

If I haven't listed one of your shows, head over to the futon critic, who has the schedule all laid out.

ETA: Here's a trailer for Dollhouse:

This show is right up my alley, but that trailer does nothing for me. I'll still give it a shot, though.

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