
At long last, LOST returns.

After a very long 8 months, and a seemingly endless number of promo teaser-trailers, season 5 of LOST will finally begin tonight on ABC at 9:00 PM (with a recap show airing in the hour prior, at 8:00). The show is on for 2 hours, so double-check those DVRs!

Can't remember what happened at the end of last season? Read my post about the season finale and refresh your memory. Although I kind of doubt any of you forgot that Ben moved the freaking island. Or that John Locke was in the casket. Or that Ben told Jack they all had to go back. Or that Jin died. Did you?

One more thing to whet your whistle: The Ajira Airways site has been updated. Book your "Destination Destiny", if you dare. Print a sample boarding pass and fold it into an oragami ball and look inside.

Enjoy the show tonight, and come back in a day or so and we can talk about it!


Anonymous said...

Well... I remember those things now that you mention them. ;)
The only thing that I really remembered was that they all needed to go back to the island.
I guess I should be watching that recap show.

Anonymous said...

I watched the finale from last week on Tuesday, and then all the new and recap stuff last night. Makes me wish it was on for 3 hours every week.

I LOVED it last night, and I'm so glad it is back!!!!!!!