
Farscape Update

That's a tongue-twister, huh?

There haven't been any major developments in the Save Farscape campaign, but there are a few items of interest to report.

  • Like I have, you can join the Save Farscape Mailing List at Yahoo Groups. I joined last night and already I've received 4 e-mails overnight.
  • One of the e-mails I received contained helpful advice and a recommendation on who to contact with handwritten letters. If you would like a copy of the e-mail, contact me and I will forward it on to you.
  • You can click here to see the ad placed in The Sydney Daily Telegraph, in .pdf form.
  • Click here to read encouraging reports from two individuals who attended the rally in NYC yesterday.
  • Finally, in response to seeing the ad in the Daily Telegraph, Farscape Producer and Director Andrew Prowse sent off this message to the Save Farscape campaigners:

    Anthony Simcoe (D'Argo) rushed into my office this morning waving The Daily Telegraph, "Look at this, look at this!". I looked and saw your ad, maybe a third of a page: "To the Farscape Cast and Crew". I copied it, handed it round to the post-production crew. Some smiled in appreciation, others shook their heads in disbelief, a couple looked a little red around the eyes: all were touched.
    We know Farscape is a special show; at its best a great show, and hope the hell other people think the same. We know we have fans out there who love what we do. But I don't think any of us could have imagined the passion; the strength and depth of support we've received over the last ten days. It makes us proud, and it makes us humble.
    We haven't given up yet, and neither should you.
    We believe in you too.

    Andrew Prowse

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