
Democrat = Heathen, Apparently

Liberals Dismayed by 'Moral Values' Claims: "Family values, traditional values and now, 'moral values.' Most American adults would say they have them, and yet that two-word phrase is the focus of an ideological tug-of-war heightened by President Bush's re-election, with conservatives declaring principal ownership and liberals scrambling to challenge them. "

Check out how this nutjob charactarizes the Democratic party:

"There is no reconciliation between good and evil," wrote Mary Ann Kreitzer of Les Femmes, an organization of conservative Roman Catholic women. "Voters rejected the party of gay activists, radical feminists, the Hollywood elite, pornographers, death-peddlers, anti-Christian bigots and apostate Catholics."

Talk like this scares the crap out of me.

1 comment:

Esther said...

I'll take heathen over religious psychopath any day. Damn.