
Katie Watch

They got her: "Holmes, who has been spending a lot of time at the Scientology Center in L.A., showed up at the junket for 'Batman Begins' at the Regent Beverly Wilshire with 'an entourage of Scientologists in tow,' said our spy."

I'm really starting to wonder if all those rumors that Cruise is a closet case are true. I mean, he does admit to considering becoming entering the priesthood when he was young (his ego notwithstanding, I don't even he would aspire to becoming the entire priesthood). Then there's the marriage to Kidman, with two adopted children, which was cut short right before the 10 year mark when according to a pre-nup they would have had to split everything 50-50, the Penelope Cruz PR affair...I know, I'm grasping at straws, but I guess I'm looking for an explanation for his antics. Maybe all his posturing and obnoxious cockiness is a manifestation of the suppression of his true self. Or not. At any rate, he is said to have recently fired his old PR firm, a company that seems to have done an amazing job of controlling and hiding his raging case of the crazies for years.

Of immediate concern, however, is the new girl. FREE KATIE. Please.

Oh, and in other Cruise News, my sister told me that Brooke Shields had more to say - she offered to send him, and I'm paraphrasing here, two tickets to her show in London, "one adult and one child." Zing!


Johnny_Canuck said...

Where there's smoke, there's fire. Rock Hudson was rumoured to be gay for years...I am not sure why in this day and age Tom doesn't just get on the Michael Jackson/Ashley Simpson train and use the publicity, ANY publicity, to further his career. He migh's well come out of the closet 'cause anyone who would dump Nicole Kidman is obviously playing for the other team.

I like Tom as an actor, just not too crazy about his choice in roles always, I can't see why he always has to have the arm candy and the religion smoke to hide behind. Must be that shyness that actors are supposed to have inherently, to drive them to be actors in the first place. He is definitely not the first loon in Hollywood selling his particular brand of religion like hotdogs on a New York corner stand. Many many before him, INCLUDING Steven Spielberg, John Travolta, David Carradine, Angela Jolie, etc etc etc.

This reveals the inherent insanity of the North American credo of making these dipsh!ts 'idols and icons'... most of them are wayyyy more screwed up than you and I, and people make them into heroes of some sort? Quite the opposite IMO

/me shoots oprah

Esther said...

He seems, at the very least, bi. But behind the smokescreens and beards, I think he is the gay. Check out some of the pictures over at http://conversationsfamouspeople.blogspot.com/ for further hilarity, including some *lovely* older publicity photos.

All of this is pretty nauseating, btw, and God Bless Brooke Shields. I am officially a fan. lol