
Paint Job

Now that I've finished Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (last night - yay!), it's time to set my sights seriously on getting my bedroom painted. I've had the paint and supplies on the floor in my bedroom for months. I've even bought curtains and sconces to match. But I guess I lost interest when all the shopping ended and the real work had to begin.

The color I've chosen is called "Green Rosette". It's a Ralph Lauren color (GH57) and I just checked their site so I could show you a sample and oh my God they aren't kidding when they say online color examples are only photographic representations and may not match the actual color exactly! Their sample is about as close to brown as you can get without actually being brown, when the actual color is more like a light pea green. Lesson - do not choose paint colors online.

For accents, I bought these curtains and some nickel-plated rods and holdbacks with blue glass balls on them. I've taken some before photos already, but I won't post them until I have some "afters".

I need to get a nice rug for the floor, too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice curtains. I was thinking of one of duvet covers from that line... I decided to wait for a sale, though. ;)

I love the muted greens that RL has. It's going to look great when you're done. And it looks like you picked a good weekend to do it... I hear the humidity is supposed to drop, which will be great for the paint to dry.

Good luck! I'll be waiting to see the pics.