
The Day After.

The Day After Katrina Photo Essay.

NPR had a short interview with a man who spoke about leaving New Orleans on Sunday to stay with his sister and then having to leave that house because a tree fell on it (150 miles inland) and going to another sister's place further north. He said the devastation he's seen on TV is so overwhelming that he feels numb. But when he talked about having to leave their three cats, he started to cry, and so did I. He said he left them enough food and water for 3 wks to a month, even though he didn't think he'd be gone for more than 3 or 4 days, but he didn't think that was really going to make a difference.

No more Katrina talk from me for a while. Lets see what else is going on in the world, besides the 650 people who just died in a crushing stampede in Baghdad. I'm afraid to look.

1 comment:

Esther said...

Man, my heart is breaking. Damn.

Oh, and this morning, I heard the bridge numbers as over 800. All because someone allegedly yelled 'Suicide Bomber!'. *sigh*