
Idol Results: We'll Always Have Paris.

Oh, this is going to be a quickie. Work is kicking my ass this week and all I want to do is recap Idol and all the murder and mayhem that was Alias and LOST last night!

Without any guest performer, we were subjected to a group sing. Now, I haven't seen all that many group sings, and I actually thought the Queen one was good, but this...Sweet Jesus that had to be the worst song I have ever, ever in my life heard. I couldn't even tell you if it was sung well or not. It was one of those treacly, Up With People crapfests - except worse. That song must have been penned by the devil himself.

Next up was the Ford commercial and it kind of made no sense to me. I think I expect too much from this show. The best part is how they all crack up when they see themselves, especially Elliot. Oh, and Chris freaked me out with the big top hat.

OK, so Ryan goes down the line: Taylor, you're safe; Chris, you're safe, Paris, you're in the Bottom 2. Elliot and Katharine are left clinging desperately to each other and looking like they're about to be chosen for the sacrificial toss into the mouth of a volcano. Ryan tells Elliot he is in the Bottom 2 and Katharine goes into a state of shock that she doesn't completely recover from for the rest of the show.

Ryan tells Paris she's going home and to my surprise she does not break out in sobs but is very gracious as she watches her Bad Day video. Bye bye, Paris.

Next week? Elvis. Uh-oh.


gina said...

One of the commenters over at TVGasm posted this list of songs each performer will be singing (I do not vouch for the accuracy of this list):

or: "Burnin'Love" and "Can't Help Fallin' In Love".

Chris: "Jailhouse Rock" and "Kentucky Rain".

Kat: "Suspicious Minds" and "Love Me Tender".

Elliot: "In the Ghetto" and "Hound Dog".

I can see Chris doing great with Kentucky Rain but Elliot singing Hound Dog? Yipe!

gina said...

That's "Taylor", not "or".

gina said...

I don't know anything about how the songs are chosen, sorry.

Man, this list was 100% wrong! lol