
Where Did All The Time Go?

I have so much to do here, and so little time to do it in, so I'm apologizing up front for my upcoming virtual silence. I have yet to recap this week's LOST and Alias episodes, or the latest updates to the LOST webgame, and I'm going away this weekend. Next week will be even worse: the Alias 2 hour series finale is on Monday night, the Idol showdown between Katharine and Taylor is on Tuesday night, and the 2 hour season finale of LOST and the 2 hour final Idol results show is on Wednesday night! Thursday morning I head up to the Mohawk Trail State Forest for a few days of R&R in a rustic cabin, and I won't be back until the following Monday night. The chances of me being able to post anything of substance between now and then is pretty slim, I'm sorry to say. I'll give it a shot, but I can't promise anything!

As for this weekend, I'm joining a few friends for a bachelorette extravaganza at Foxwoods Casino. I'd like to say that I'll be coming back loaded with tales of debauchery to share, but who am I kidding? We'll probably all end up crashed in our motel room and watching Law & Order by 10:00 tomorrow night! We ain't no spring chickens anymore.

Besides, even if there is a tale to tell, I wouldn't. Whatever happens at Foxwoods, stays at Foxwoods.

Have a good weekend!

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