
Idol Top 5: OTF

Well now, that did not leave me with a good feeling about anyone (except maybe Taylor because 1) he seems to be invincible and 2) he had a good night). Paula didn't even have a meltdown or do the seal clap! How disappointing.

This week's theme: each performer gets to sing one song from the year they were born and one song from any current Billboard Top Ten chart. That's 10 songs in about 45 minutes so we'd better get a move on.

From the year they were born:

Elliot starts us off with On Broadway, an AI standard for some reason, and it's pretty good. I like Elliot, but not the song.

Hey! Ace is already making the B-List celebrity audience appearance!

Then we get Katharine who looks drop-dead gorgeous yet again but (and this kills me because she's a favorite of mine) she asbolutely stinks up the joint and massacres Against All Odds (thanks, Kat, for making me feel so, so old). I do think it was a shitty arrangement but woo! Even she knew she bombed.

No time to really rip her a new one like last week when she didn't actually deserve it so we move on to Chris, who sings Renegade (by Styxx, Sheila, not Foreigner) and I think this was the best thing he's done on the show. He still wants to kill me, but at least he's not telling me he loves me at the same time.

Little Paris is up next and did I say Katharine made me feel old? Well Paris makes me feel ancient when she sings the song that came out the year she was born: Kiss, by Prince. In between sips of Geritol I realize that Paris Bennett doesn't really care anymore.

Finishing off the first half of our program is Taylor, who sings Play That Funky Music White Boy. It's exactly the kind of performance that Simon and half of the viewing audience hate, so I think Taylor's starting to not care, too, but in a different way. He's going to do what he likes doing whether people like it or not. Not necessarily the way to win this competition, but he hasn't done too badly so far. As for the performance itself, it certainly wasn't a vocal showcase - especially witht that monster band drowning him out - but it was fun.

From the current Billboard Top Ten charts:

Back to Elliot who sings the lovely Home. I admit it, I like that song and I thought he did a wonderful job with it. I just hope it won't be his sing out song, no matter how appropriate.

Here comes Katharine again and I'm still really nervous for her after the first song. She's sitting on the floor and I think, "This is not good." Then she sings Black Horse and The Cherry Tree, not a particular favorite of mine, and totally (and surprisingly) rocks the song. I hope that it's good enough the make up for earlier disaster.

Chris is back and he's got the Flames of Rock burning behind him and the strobing lights and the screaming and...here we go again. It's something called "I Dare You" and he's screaming at me and whatever.

This time Paris sings a Mary J. Blige song (sorry don't know the title and don't have time to look for it). I don't know the song so I have nothing to compare it to, but I thought she did a good job and I can't get excited because I don't think it really matters at this point.

Barmy Taylor gets the pimp spot this week. He gets creative with the category and sings Something by George Harrison, a favorite of mine. And he does a fantastic job with it. So good, I may have to download it.

Who do I think will be in the Bottom 2? Paris and Katharine, with Paris going home.

Is there a guest performer tonight? (9:00!)


Michael Markowitz said...

Great commentary. I swigged the Geritol, too. Taylor doing Something is as "creative" as when whats-his-name did Vehicle during Disco night.

gina said...

Mike, that was "70s Dance Music" and who says you can't dance to Vehicle? ;-)

Michael Markowitz said...

LOL... True, but you can also dance to "Alone Again Naturally" :-P