

There was an X-Files panel at a convention last weekend - NO, I didn't GO - and there are a few good video clips from it floating around on YouTube, if you're interested in hearing about the new movie.

This one is a video of a video - a sneak peek at the trailer:

And this is a short interview with Gillian Anderson:



Johnny_Canuck said...

Gina! Why didn't you go?
Gillian looks GREAT!!
Is this movie already in production??
your double filmed trailer doesn't work

gina said...

Hey John!

Huh, I had a feeling that trailer wouldn't last long at YouTube. I'll see if I can find it anywhere else.

Yep, the movie is in production - they've been filming in Vancouver since December - and the release date is July 25, 2008.

Johnny_Canuck said...

Very kewl Gina, been scoping out some new XF sites.
Thanx for the heads up.
BTW when i enter "thisisgina.com" i get some archived page from november coming up. Whats with that?

gina said...

Try clearing the cache for your browser and then typing in the full URL (http://www.thisisgina.com).

I made some publishing/hosting changes at around that time and you probably looking at the old host. Let me know if you continue to have trouble!