
I have run through the fields...

I have run through the fields..., originally uploaded by gina64.

Let's not and say I did, ok?

Happy Landings Farm is a place I have always wanted to photograph, with its rolling farmland and ancient windmills. It's located just down the road from where my father used to live and we would drive by it all the time.

It's also very near to where I work, so I decided to go there during my lunch hour yesterday and take some pictures. What I didn't realize was that Happy Landings Farm is part of the Brookfield Nature Conservancy, with mowed trails running through and around it. It was a beautiful way to spend my lunch hour.

Tree and clouds

Clouds on the horizon

Old Windmill


J said...

Very nice shots Gina. So, is that Brookfield? I guess I'll have to make do w/walking around the green at lunch!

gina said...

Yep, Brookfield. It's about a 5-10 minute drive from my office.

I'm trying to come up with another location that's interesting and close enough to get to during lunch.

I bet you could get some REALLY interesting shots down at on the Greem!

J said...

Uh, yea, if I had your photographic talent!