
Miss Ann's House

Before and After, originally uploaded by gina64.

We were assigned to work on Miss Aneita Page's house while in New Orleans. Miss Ann came to New Orleans over twenty years ago as a missionary. She works with pregnant teens and runs a shelter for teens at risk. Miss Ann lost everything in Katrina, but has qualified for a Habitat home. She will be living here with her mother. Miss Ann visited the site one day and it was great to be able to chat with her. Unfortunately, she didn't bring any of her delicious fried chicken that day.

The photos above are before and after shots. The annual Jimmy Carter Build was happening the week after we were there so we concentrated on getting the front of Miss Ann's house in "photo-op" shape for the dedication by President and Mrs. Carter.

I worked with my two friends Holly and Jill on laying down the porch decking and building the front porch steps, while Dan and Shaji, both graduating medical students and great guys, built the soffit along the roof line. We had a group of graduating midshipmen from Annapolis who finished putting up the siding. Once we all finished with our respective projects, we spent Friday painting.

I think it came out pretty nicely. Here are a couple of photos I took with my phone of the porch and stairs that we built:



To see all of the photos of the work site, as well as my other photos from the trip, click here for the entire collection.


J said...

nice work girls (and boys)...you should feel good about being the type of humans who give of their time and talent to help others.

gina said...

Thanks for saying so, J :)