
Lipstick on a Pig

The nomination of Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate has sent this election campaign completely off the rails. It's become all about her, even when it isn't about her. And while the media wastes time talking about whether or not Obama called her a pig, no one is talking about the issues that make a difference in our actual lives. There is a WAR going on, for crying out loud, the unemployment rate is the highest it has been in 5 years, and the deficit is going to be $407 billion, an increase of 153% from last year. Just to name a few.

Everyone - candidates and media alike - please, get back to talking about what's important. There's too much at stake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to start screaming at people jumping on the Palin bandwagon that they need to look at her POLITICS, for crying out loud!! I had to bite my tongue at school the other morning. One of the 5th grade boys I was with in the computer lab asked me if I knew that the Alaskan people were going to spend millions of dollars to build a bridge that went nowhere in Alaska, and that Sarah Palin saved the day and voted not to spend the money, and now she's going to be our new vice president. I wanted to tell him, "Hold the phone! Saved the day?! Let's talk about this." But we can't talk politics with the kids like that.
The only thing I corrected him on - gently - was that she has the *chance* to become the next vice president, but that it depends on who gets elected as president. Then that's when I did an admirable job of biting my tongue.