
Is that much of a foregone conclusion?

Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller says he might return to Heroes: "In the wake of co-executive producers Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander getting fired from Heroes, online fans have been crying out for former Heroes writer (and Pushing Daisies creator) Bryan Fuller to rejoin the show. Apparently, somebody is listening. Fuller told EW.com that he's open to a comeback. 'I am exclusive to Daisies through the delivery of the 13th episode of our 13-episode order, which will be mid-January,' says Fuller. 'If Daisies isn't picked up by then, I will definitely be going back to play with my friends at Heroes.'"

God this makes me so sad. It's particularly painful because while it has a fraction of the viewers, Pushing Daisies is FAR superior to Heroes.

And Fuller? You don't have to sound so excited about the prospect of Daisies being cancelled.


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